Friday, July 30, 2010

How to use condoms

As a follow-up to my post earlier this week, I want to make sure everybody knows how to properly use a condom. If you’re using one, that’s great, but if you’re not using it right it’s just like you’re not using one at all.

First, pull out a new condom (DON’T REUSE CONDOMS!) and make sure the packaging isn’t opened or damaged. This is very important. A damaged or previously used condom will not work. Make sure it isn’t past the expiration date, either. Also, don’t store condoms in a place where they might get crushed – like a wallet for more than a night.

Once it’s open, figure out which end is the head. Unroll it a little bit to figure this out. It should look like a little sombrero with a rim facing up on the outside. Then, place the condom on the head of the penis. Hold the top of the condom with one hand and unroll it down the shaft with the other. Make sure the penis is erect before you do this, or it won’t work. If it doesn’t unroll all the way to the base of the penis, that’s okay. As long as it covers most of the penis. If it barely fits, lucky you, go get a bigger condom and don’t try to use one that’s too small. Make sure it fits snugly (but not too tight), it’s not inside out, and there’s no holes or anything in it. Double check just to be safe.

Now do what you’re gonna do. Once you’re done, unroll it and slip it off. Tie it up and throw it away. You can’t flush them, so don’t try unless you want to be mopping up your bathroom floor. And, I’ll say this again: DON’T REUSE THE SAME CONDOM. I heard a guy in one of my classes once talking about his “lucky condom”. This is just stupid. Any condom that’s already been used is nothing but unlucky, because it won’t protect you.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering about another myth: No, putting on two condoms will not make it “extra-safe.” In fact, the friction will likely cause them to break. Only use ONE condom! Not ONE brand, I already told you those aren’t good. The capitalization was for emphasis. You know what I mean. Alright, that’s all for now. If you have any further questions about how to use a condom, ask away.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hi everyone. For my first post, I want to talk about condoms. Short version: use them. Long version: use them correctly and use them every time you have sex. It might sound obvious, in fact I hope it does and if it does you’re probably not my target audience (but I suggest you keep reading either way). If it doesn’t sound obvious because nobody’s told you how important condoms are before, let me be the first. Condoms are important. They are one of the most effective ways of preventing both pregnancy and the transmission of STDs.

And yeah, I’ve already heard all the excuses in the world for not using them. It doesn’t feel as good, I don’t need it if I’m on the pill, bullshit like that. You know what else doesn’t feel good? Childbirth. And the pill doesn’t protect you from STDs. I had a friend who used every reasonable and unreasonable excuse in the book. Then, him and his girlfriend had a pregnancy scare. He started listening to me after that. I don’t mean to sound like I’m preaching from atop a pedestal or anything like that, but I can’t stress enough how important condoms are. Of course, every form of birth control is important, and I’m going to talk about the other types eventually to cover all the bases. But the condom is one of the most effective types, and one of the only types that also protects you from STDs. I could rant about this for a long time, but I think you’ve got my point. Condoms=good. If you need more convincing, check out thisinformation page.

Now, there are a lot of types of condoms, and that page compares them a little bit from an effectiveness and durability standpoint. But I’m going to make some personal recommendations about what feels the best, because I know that’s what a lot of people care about, and it’s a reason a lot of people don’t use them. First, things I would not recommend:

-Trojan “Her Pleasure.” I know a lot of girls who do like these. After all, that’s what they’re designed for. One of my roommates uses them almost exclusively. But personally, I’m not a fan. I found that there was too much friction down there. No thanks. But I this is a subjective thing. I’d say try it out, see if you or your girlfriend likes it.

-The “ONE” brand. I’ve used them a couple of times, and they were definitely less pleasurable than other brands. I think they’re smaller than other brands, too. On the plus side, the packaging is cool. Maybe it’s to distract from how bad the condoms are.

Now, what I do recommend: Polyisoprene condoms like lifestyles Skyn or Durex bare.

These are a relatively new thing that came out as an alternative to latex. It used to be that the only thing people with a latex allergy could use were lambskin condoms, and while I’ve never tried one almost everything I’ve heard about them has been bad. But these new polyisoprene condoms are great, even if you don’t have a latex allergy. They’re as sensitive as ultra-thin condoms with the strength of normal ones. They feel a hell of a lot better. They’re a little more expensive, but they’re worth it, in my opinion.

So, in summary: Use a condom. Try the polyisoprene variety. Stay away from ONE. But most importantly, no matter what brand or type it is, just make sure you use one. Whew, I feel like I just wrote a term paper. That’s all for now. ‘Til next time.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

Hi everybody, my name’s Katie. I grew up in the small town of Willow Springs, where there wasn’t any formal sex education program in high school. I entered college knowing almost nothing about safe sex and birth control, and sophomore year I saw a friend from high school learn the importance of birth control the hard way. Over the past three years I’ve learned a lot about safe sex, both from personal experience and from hearing other people’s stories. I don’t think I’m going to have as tough a courseload this semester as I did last year, and so I wanted to take this opportunity to start this blog, which I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. I want to educate college kids like me, who didn’t get any sex education in high school and don’t know as much as they should about birth control. I hope my blog will teach you how to be safely sexually active, so you don’t have to learn about birth control the hard way.