Thursday, March 31, 2011

Something a little different

So I got some free time after class today, and I thought, why not make a blog post? I didn’t want to leave you all hanging for more than a month again! (Because I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for my next post with bated breath) So I was wracking my brain to try and think of what to post of next, now that I’ve finished up with the posts about spermicides, but honestly, I couldn’t think of anything. I thought there were more types of birth control out there, but I think I’ve already gone through all the ones that I really know anything about. There are more types, but they’re mostly implants and other things like that that a doctor has to prescribe to you - and since I’m not a doctor, I don’t really know much about them. If I tried to post about them, I think it would be pretty obvious that I was talking out of my ass - I’ve never been the best bullshitter, much to the dismay of some of my essay grades. So I was thinking of what I could post about, and then I realized that it doesn’t have to be birth control, per say. So I did think of something that could help prevent pregnancy: masturbation.

No, no, don’t worry - this isn’t turning into one of those abstinence only sex education programs that tries to glorify masturbation as an alternative to sex. It’s not. But it can help curb your sexual appetite. And I’m not advocating abstinence here - even people who have had sex before could use some advice about not having sex so freely. I’ll give you an example of what I’m talking about. I’ve got a friend whose name I’m not going to mention who just got out of a big break up a couple of weeks ago. So, the first thing she did the weekend after the break up was to go sleep with two different guys in the same weekend. I don’t judge people so I’m not saying what she did was wrong, but it might not have been the safest behavior in the world. Likewise, I know girls who if they’ve gone a couple of weeks or months without sex, they’ll start to crave it and be more willing to make a poor decision in order to get it. And all the girls I know who have behaved like this either haven’t liked masturbation or haven’t tried it. But in my opinion, it is a very viable solution when you want to have sex but probably shouldn’t, given your circumstances. No, it’s not the same, but it’s something, at least. And it can feel a little more like sex if you use a dildo or vibrator. I’ll be honest, I’ve never needed to use a vibrator to get off before, but I have friends who own them and swear by them. So I wanted to mention them, but once again, I don’t want my lack of any really knowledge to shine through my unimpressive bullshitting skills - so I did a little bit of research online and found a website that seems to have some pretty comprehensive guide about them here. They’ve also got a section that helps you pick out the best vibrator for you here. I might look around that site and try to learn more so I can make a more informed post next time - but then again, I don’t know when I’ll really get the chance to do that and post about it again. Finals are steadily approaching, so we’ll see how much time I get - the next post might be for a while. But in the mean time, I hope all the information on that website will tide you over!

Friday, March 4, 2011

More Spermicide

Sorry it’s been so long since last time! I know I promised you a part two to the post about spermicidal inserts last time, so I bet you were expecting that a little earlier than now, perhaps. I just got swamped with work for the past few weeks, but I’ve finally got a break now.
Anyways, I told you there were a couple more spermicidal methods, and I want to cover those now. Sorry if the information is going to be a little sparse, but I really don’t know a whole lot about these methods because I’m not a huge fan of them. They’re great if you use them in conjunction with a condom and the pill, but by themselves, not so much. Let me say that again - I do not recommend using one of these methods alone.

The first are just called spermicidal inserts. They’re vaginal suppositories, so they’re pretty easy to use: just insert them prior to sex for added protection. The keyword is added - you should definitely only use these with a condom or diaphragm. But even so, I don’t think this is a great product. As you can see, it doesn’t even have the greatest reviews on the website. So if you’re dead set on using these, go ahead, just make sure you don’t use them alone. But otherwise, I’d say use something else.

This second one is Vaginal Contraceptive Jelly. It’s basically the same deal as the inserts - it’s just a spermicidal substance, the only difference is it doesn’t have to dissolve first to work. It’s also a lot harder to use by itself. I recommend this over the spermicidal inserts, not because I think it works better or is safer by itself, but because it’s harder to use by itself. You can’t just apply jelly like this to the inside of the vagina - not well, anyways. You can, however, spread it on a condom rather easily. So I’m all for using this with a condom for extra protection. Just remember, the keyword is extra, because that’s all products like these should ever be!

I think that just about covers the main spermicidal methods of protection. So that means there’ll be something new next time. And I’ll try not to keep you waiting so long this time! Sorry again!